Thursday, October 16, 2008

Back from the brink

The best thing you can do when you see a really bad accident is to get away from it and not think about it.

Then you collect your thoughts and hopefully gain some perspective.

Unfortunately, my thoughts haven't changed at all from Saturday afternoon.

Ron Zook and the Illini laid an egg of epic proportions. This is the type of game that got Zook into trouble down at Florida. I have said all along that Zook will bring you some great victories that are out of left field, OSU last year is an example. But also promanent in the Zookian scheme of the universe is that he will bring you an epic shitfest, where you are left wondering, "Does this guy know what he is doing?"

The Minnesota game was Zook's David.

500+ yards of offense/ 8 trips into Minnesota territory yielding 6 points / 2 turnovers deep in our end of the field/ In ability to convert on 2nd and short, 3rd and short and 4th and short/ Special teams miscues only rivaled by those of the Bears. This was a game the Illini should have won by 3 td's and we get are asses beat?

(Note to Locks and Zook, they couldnt stop us deep down the middle of the field, make the call and the play. If an idiot like me can see that why can't guys getting paid the type of jack like they do see it?)

Zook is what he is, he hasn't learned from his mistakes. He pulls the same ol' cowboy crap at inoppurtune times that he always has. I can live with that, just don't fucking lose to Minnesota, at home, on Homecoming.

End of Rant

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