Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Sorry to see RM5 got hurt last night, and is likely out for the season, or for an extended time. Even with all the BS between the Mendenhall family and Zook and Illinois, I still root for RM5 just as hard as I did when he wore the Orange & Blue. I thought Rashard looked pretty good in there for the Steelers, and I liked the fact the took on 2 hard blitzes. I hope Rashard fully heals and goes on to a long productive NFL career.

I also hope that Rashard can heal his relationship with Illini Nation. Whatever went down between the Mendenhalls and Zook, neither side benefits from it.

I have heard both sides of the tale which has been rehashed and assigned blame to a fault, and am reminded of the Bobby Evans' quote from "The Kid Stays in the Picture", " There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently"

Zook is the coach of the team and has an objective resposibility to put those on the field who are the best players, and give Illinois the best shot of winning. So I understand his position in the matter.

Mrs Mendenhall is an advocate for he sons, she is not objective, nor should she be. Having kids who play sports, I understand that parents are not objective, which is a big part of the problem in youth sports. Most parents just do'nt go a spublic and vocal as Ms. Mendenhall.

The problem here is in the execution and the communication of what went down, it worked for nobody, all parties lost on the deal.

I may be naive but I would love to see Zook invite Rashard back to campus this fall for an Illini game, try to get to a common ground and productively heal and move on for both parties. It may not seem like it, but both parties will benefit greatly in the long run by being on the same side.

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