Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I truly despise the University of Michigan and their football program. I loathe their fight song and their stupid fake winged helmets. I hate the "Big House", the most overrated stadium in college football.

I think it is because of the pure arrogance the institution exhibits, I always think to myself, "If you guys are the "Leaders and Best" explain Detroit".

Michigan has been a highly successful program over the past 50 years. I think Dick Rod will get them turned around in the short term but the glory will be brief. As fickle Rich will turn on the Wolverines and bolt for greener pastures. This is of course once his loan for his buyout to WVU is repaid.

Why? I think the University of Michigan and their athletic programs are in for a period of long decline compared to history because capital resources and budgets will be constrained for years to come and Michigan will not be able to keep up with the Jones. Unfortunately their arrogant fan base will not recogonize their diminished place in the cosmos and demand what they view as their birthright.

Michigan has become a larger version of West Virginia, Dick Rod just doesnt know it yet.

Why is Michigan more like West Virginia than Illinois, Wisconsin or Minnesota?

The State of Michigan is economic free fall. How do economics and football interact? In a very subtle way.

Big time football is a capital intensive business. For years, the University of Michigan enjoyed a very beneficial relationship with the auto industry. Population trends, jobs, money, capital investment flowed freely and positivelyto the benefit of the U of M, and the athletes came and prospered in a stable middle class, or were in the state as remnants of it. Michigan benefited from the great migration from the south, and it will be harmed by it converse which is taking place under the surface for the past 15 years. Drive around the North side of Chicago and count the bars flying U of M and MSU flags. A lot of their alumni are in Chicago, why? - because they can get a job, which they cant do in Detroit.

The world that the U of M prospered in their home state does not exist anymore, and it never will again. Michigan will still be a good school and will still draw a sizeable following, but it cant offer athletes the advantages it has historically.

In the future, a growing state population, with a stable economic forecast will be of up most importance. I think Illinois is positioned fairly well in this regard in the grand scheme of things.
Michigan is not. Dick Rod might win a few games with the spread, but the long term trends and economic realities tell you that the sustained success that Michigan has enjoyed is as distant as a $30.00 per hour union job in Flint.

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